Leadership Coaching 

I equip women of color with the ability to tap into their own powerful gifts to change the world.  I believe every woman is a whole, perfect human being with the capacity to create change in their lives. Using mind – body – spirit, I help executive leaders expand their vision for change and find the freedom from the limiting beliefs that prevent them from creating a roadmap to accomplish their goals.

 Our greatest adventure is the change we can create in ourselves. If we want to help human kind and create businesses that change the world, we must learn to work through our fears, let go of what others want for us and begin creating the life we want based on a set of values we want to see reflected in the world. Getting clear about your values and vision for change is the first step in figuring out how to deliver that change to others.

Facing our fears can feel hard and even painful. But the fruit of that discovery is unmistakably delicious.  By confronting our greatest fears, we are capable of discovering untapped superpowers and abilities that can help take our vision and our lives to places beyond our own dreams.   By engaging these fears, we can make conscious choices about the life we want to create, the changes we want to see in the world.

By bring radical love and self-discovery in every engagement with you, I create new conditions to help you achieve your goals. All of my professional and personal experiences contribute to my coaching and consulting work:

  • As a certified professional coach, I bring over 24 coaching skills to our conversation to help uncover answers to long held questions about creating change in any part of your life.

  • As a trained transformational consultant and facilitator, I help leaders engage all three areas of human systems by: 1) engaging their hearts, minds, thoughts, feelings; 2) assessing if our behaviors, choices and habits are in line with our vision and mission; and 3) identifying and implementing the systems and structures necessary to uplift and sustain change.

  • As a connector and lifelong organizer, I bring a wide range of tools and strategies to support clients in fortifying the goals you hope to accomplish.

  • As a lifelong yogi, food lover and spiritual seeker, I hold a strong sense of focus and intuition to any and every situation you may find themselves in.

I invite you to book a free session today, to learn more about how coaching can support your next steps: