Family and Systems constellations is a form of energy work and pattern disruption primarily focused on reclaiming the symmetry of love, balance and harmony in the energy field that bonds a system together.
In an ancestral or family system, many patterns and issues unfold across generations. Ancestors pass down many viewpoints in relation to society. Over generations, they may affect how we show up and judge our experience and the experience of our ancestral line.
In a system, the members of an ancestral field need:
to feel that they belong;
that there is a balanced exchange;
that the hidden symmetry of love is being consistently revived.
We work together to ensure people in your family system get what they need so you can find more space to live fully.
In family constellations, we are working to bring to light the unconscious patterns affecting you. We create new ways to understand the connections in a family system in your mind, body, and soul. The process of constellating an issue is more than reconciling ideas in your mind. It takes place at an energetic and spiritual level and therefore may have a profound effect on your body and spirit’s ability to spring forward.
At this time I am honored to offer:
Participants can bring issues related to any area of their life (personal, work, family, community, etc). These are half-day confidential circles consist of the facilitator, the seekers (presenting an issue) and the representatives (supporting the process). The facilitator will usually be able to work with up to four seekers to constellate their issues in the time allotted. All participants will benefit from the experience of another person’s constellation because it is energy work and brings us clarity to our own patterns and areas for systemic repair. During the course of the day, there will be guided meditations and time for questions and reflection to learn more about family and systems constellations.
$65 in US, varies by location
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The facilitator and the seeker will map the issue, identify the unconscious barriers and begin doing guided visualization work to uncover new information about the issue to help the seeker gain more insight. The facilitator will provide feedback at the end of the session to help the seeker have a plan for the coming weeks.