Cultivating a culture of collective rest, joy, and ritual

Rest is not only a tool of resistance and radical self-love, it is energy work that allows us to realign to a way of being that is in right relationship with our spirit. Rest is absolutely critical to our future selves and the next generations. The way that we move towards this truth is through strategic re-visioning of ourselves, our communities, and our organizations.

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What We Subconsciously Learn About Work and Rest

I believe we should question what kinds of work we are contributing towards and who or what the work is benefiting. Our greatest power is in making choices around our role in the future of work. We choose our career and what matters in this world. In conversations between folks of color, we often discuss getting access to the quality of life we all want under the existing system. We rarely discuss what and how we are prepared to get there outside of a system that doesn’t love, protect or honor us or the planet.

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How to Keep Your Ritual Sacred

My mother first taught me to gaze at the sky as a child. She reminded me that we were living an abundant life because we had the sky, the rain, and the trees surrounding us and talking to us. I want to be clear that we were part of the working poor immigrant families of the late 70s and 80s. I was too young to understand that concept fully. For me I had everything. Everything in the sky. I thought and still think that the wind is my closest relative, talking to me in so many ways every time I step out the door.

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Giving Yourself Permission to Change

There is something to be said for committing wholeheartedly to a goal. But what happens when success consumes your true sense of self?

The need to succeed at all costs can reinforce the belief that there is one specific path we must follow in order to reach our dreams – when in reality, that’s not the truth.

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Embodying the Essence of Your True Power

We are told to lean in to achieve success in our professional careers. But what happens when we are leaning in from a place of instability and lack of identity? What if we are not connected to the source of our intuition? What happens when leaning in becomes falling into a trap – a cycle of disembodied experiences?

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A Future of New Possibilities

Linear ways of looking at purpose leave no space for the wisdom of knowing that we come into this world with. They focus on a disembodied approach to success and leadership, in the process invalidating the intuitive ways of thinking that we come equipped with. We are expected to conform to gendered, racialized and colonized views of purpose that leave no space for indigenous ways of being and knowing.

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Scarcity, Urgency, Disconnection

Our relationship to spirit allows us to resolve issues of time and urgency. See, when we center spirit and energy work, we find ourselves in a place of deep clarity and surrender. Our actions often do not match the expectations of society, which are deeply led by scarcity with time and consumption of every living resource.

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