Transformational Coaching for Women of Culture

We are our ancestors’ wildest dreams


Step into your purpose with embodied intention to birth our collective futures

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New possibilites are living inside you


Wild Dreams

An intimate group coaching program where women of culture focus on leading from freedom and purpose. Break free from experiences no longer serving you alongside other women who are on the same journey, and cultural & ancestral coaching techniques necessary to navigate your transition. This is a space where you can begin creating a life that is more authentic, inclusive, and sustainable.


1:1 Coaching

Reshape who you want to be as a leader. Together we will remember your purpose, values, and voice using a range of mind-body-spirit approaches that help women express who they are at the core as leaders and community builders.


Coaching For Teams

Collaborate with and learn from a diverse set of coaches, weavers, strategists, storytellers, and facilitators to help your teams and networks imagine new ways of building authentic relationships, increasing autonomy, and exposing colonized views that keep them from accomplishing their purpose.


Family Constellations

Family and Systems constellations are a form of energy work and pattern disruption primarily focused on reclaiming the symmetry of love, balance, and harmony in the energy field that bonds a system together.


Navigating Transitions

A Love Letter from the Wild Dreams Community

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I’m Ana Mercedes Polanco, an intuitive, international coach and a wisdom keeper who helps culturally diverse women and social change organizations fully unleash their purpose. 

Women rarely get the signal from the world around them that it's safe to express their highest purpose because society remains primarily focused on culturally exclusive ways of leading. What we need right now is a new way of thinking about and sensing into purpose. 

When we slow down to see how we are living, we awaken to new understandings of liberation. By making intentional changes in mindset, clarifying our cultural beliefs and practicing new ways of leading, we can begin to emit a new vision that benefits people and the planet, now and in seven generations. I am here to help you open yourself up to that future - the one you have been longing for.


When we work together, you will:

Affirm your highest purpose.
I believe that you already know.

Clarify the cultural sources of impostor syndrome so that you can be free to make real commitments.

Activate your most authentic voice so you can lead with your values front and center.


My Wildest Dream

I have lived through the experience of wanting to belong and not belonging because of the rich and beautiful cultures, color, and gender I inhabit and appreciate. For a long time, I tried hard to fit into a western mindset and system, only to find that the road ahead is one made of my own decolonized dreams and experiences.


 I center three values in my coaching practice:

Love, compassion, liberation

It is a way of accepting that you belong and are worthy of your wildest dream even when the change feels impossible.

Like my ancestors did before me, I use mind, body, and spirit strategies to re-center your dignity and spirit in order to bring you back to wholeness and freedom within yourself and in the communities you are a part of.


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